Giving to Venture Church
We’re so grateful for the faithful giving that enables the life of our church and mission.
If you feel called to give to Venture Church as part of the stewardship of your resources or an expression of your worship, there are a number of ways to do so, either regularly or as a one-off gift.
Regular Giving
By setting up a standing order with your bank. Please make your reference “tithe” or “gift”.
Bank details:
Account Name: Venture Church
Bank: Barclays
Sort Code: 20-63-28
Account Number: 00712248You can also make a one-off gift using these details.
Gift Aid
If you’re a UK taxpayer and able to gift aid your donations please use the link below to complete an online gift aid form. This enables Venture Church to claim an additional 25% on donations.
Online Giving
You can give a regular or one-off gift online through Stewardship using the link below, or directly through your Stewardship, CAF or other giving account using Venture Church Charity No.1190427.
If you would like to give by any other means, please contact Judith.